map of manhattan ny neighborhoods : Kaiser examines different chart forms for two data series, using the New York Times’s article on rich New Yorkers who have left town during the pandemic Pandemics have not historically been equal-opportunity offenders. Those with resources tend to decamp to country estates while those without bear the brunt of infections and deaths. Two maps from From lush forest to metropolis, the evolution of Lower Manhattan. Our critic walks with Eric W. Sanderson of the Wildlife Conservation Society. map of manhattan ny neighborhoods
map of manhattan ny neighborhoods : The data released Monday reinforced earlier revelations that black and Hispanic New Yorkers were both more than twice as likely to be killed by the virus as white people. New York City’s health department has begun providing data that breaks down the city’s COVID-19 pandemic by a number of different demographic factors, including race and ZIP code. So far, the map of manhattan ny neighborhoods
map of manhattan ny neighborhoods : The Bronx has fewer people than Manhattan but almost double the amount of COVID-19 cases. We compared the two NYC boroughs to understand why. With workers in quarantine, the busy neighborhood now feels like a secret backyard for families. Our critic walks with the architect Claire Weisz. map of manhattan ny neighborhoods
map of manhattan ny neighborhoods : Studies, articles and books will testify to all the ways we should reinvent New York after COVID, but one place to start is making sure economic development is better distributed throughout the By Rachel Holliday Smith This story was originally published on May 20, 2020 by THE CITY. Census organizers typically make a special effort to reach By Rachel Holliday Smith This story was originally published on May 20, 2020 by THE CITY. Census organizers typically make a special effort to reach map of manhattan ny neighborhoods